iA Securities & HollisWealth* are now iA Private Wealth

We are excited to introduce our new company name, iA Private Wealth. The new name is designed to better reflect the essence of what our advisors do – provide holistic wealth management solutions tailored to the unique needs and goals of investors across Canada.

Please take a few moments to browse our newly redesigned and updated website to learn about the many benefits of working with an iA Private Wealth Investment Advisor.

*Refers solely to the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada licensed advisors within HollisWealth.

Your Wealth, Our Passion

Building, growing and preserving wealth takes planning and a comprehensive, holistic vision. When you work with an iA Private Wealth Investment Advisor, you have a trusted partner who is fully dedicated to your success at every stage of your lifelong financial journey.

Holistic planning for every facet of your life

We believe comprehensive personal wealth planning, supported by unbiased advice, collaboration and transparency, is the key to meeting your needs and helping you achieve your goals. Our advisors focus on six main priorities to create a plan that’s tailored to you:


A proven wealth management philosophy is one that takes emotion out of the equation and relies on a disciplined, long-term approach. Your objectives, risk tolerance, return expectations and time horizon will be the key factors your Investment Advisor takes into account in designing a plan that can help meet your retirement and other goals.

Saving & borrowing

Your Investment Advisor will help you set and achieve saving goals aligned with your needs and objectives, and develop a borrowing and debt management strategy for your unique circumstances.

Education planning

Whether you’re looking to fund a child’s education or returning to school to upgrade your credentials, your Investment Advisor can help you understand your options and maximize the value of a Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP).

Tax planning

Your Investment Advisor will conduct a thorough assessment of your circumstances to determine the most tax-efficient way of building your portfolio.

Risk management

Your Investment Advisor will develop a risk management plan that addresses the full range of factors that could affect your financial well‑being.

Will & estate planning

To plan for the preservation and transfer of your assets, your Investment Advisor can help you keep an eye on the horizon by understanding your situation and wishes, including tax-efficient legacy planning.

Latest insights


Weekly Macro & Market Update

Video duration 11:46

By iA Private Wealth, July 26th, 2024

Tune in weekly for insight and perspective on the macro and market landscape with iA Investment Management chief strategist and senior economist Sébastien Mc Mahon.

Watch Sébastien’s previous weekly updates on YouTube.


Monthly Market Snapshot

10 min read

By iA Private Wealth, July 12, 2024

James Gauthier and his research team walk through the highlights of last month’s market and economic data.

Read the report (PDF)


Don’t Wait to Communicate Your Estate Plan


By iA Private Wealth, July 8, 2024

As the old saying goes, the only certainties in life are death and taxes. Given this reality, it’s beneficial to have an up-to-date estate plan that reflects your wishes for potential care needs and distributing your assets to loved ones, while also minimizing your estate’s tax liability to help facilitate an effective transfer of wealth.

While creating a comprehensive estate plan is important, it’s equally important to communicate your plan to family members – as well as your specific expectations of them. Why? Here are three common reasons:

  1. Gain clarity. If you don’t share key details of your estate plan with family, they won’t know your wishes or how they’ll be impacted. It’s better to gather your loved ones now to explain elements of your estate plan and why you made certain decisions (e.g., your choice of estate executor).

    Failing to discuss your plan could cause confusion or uncertainty down the road, at a time when family is already grieving. As well, by communicating your wishes and values, and allowing loved ones to ask questions, everyone will be equally informed about your plan and desired legacy. This alignment may help avoid family conflict, disagreements or perhaps even legal action later.

  2. Get organized. People have different levels of complexity in their life, but it’s safe to say almost everyone has a number of accounts, passwords, assorted bills and documents, etc. that would be challenging to identify or track down without a formal estate plan that provides the required direction.

    You don’t want your family to scramble when their emotions are already frayed, searching for information and paperwork needed to make critical decisions. Since your financial institutions, advisor, lawyer, accountant, etc. will likely require certain info – including your will and powers of attorney – it’s valuable to prepare trusted family members to protect your privacy and share specific info on an as-needed basis. Some people may ask their estate planning lawyer to securely store their “master list” of vital information.

  3. Undertake wealth planning. Not only does your estate plan cover important aspects of your financial affairs, but it also affects your heirs and their financial life. An open discussion allows you to explain how you’ve decided to allocate your assets. This could be the first detailed exposure your family has regarding the extent of your wealth. Empowered by having an idea of what their inheritance might be, they can begin thinking about incorporating it into their existing wealth plan (or it could encourage them to get started with wealth planning).

    If you own a business, communicating your estate plan also lets loved ones know whether you intend for the business to be sold or for family members to take over. If you’re part of a blended family, have dependent children or ones with special needs, an estate plan can address these complexities upfront. Talking about your plans now should help your heirs be more financially prepared so they can handle their inheritance responsibly.

Obviously, communicating estate plans can be uncomfortable given the sensitive subject matter, but doing so may offer meaningful financial and personal benefits to you and your family. It’s good to talk about your estate now instead of waiting for a time of crisis when people tend not to think clearly or logically. If you’d like some professional support, your advisor, lawyer or accountant have the relevant experience to help you hold a constructive, honest conversation that may offer you peace of mind and position your heirs well for the future.

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